Hardware raw materials buckle

The raw materials of hardware buckles are generally based on aluminum:

Aluminum plate thickness is relatively thin 0.2MM-0.23MM-0.25-0.28-0.3MM-0.35MM-0.4MM more appropriate

Hardware Shoe buckle products used: the new aluminum material to the national standard are non-toxic environmental protection, but the processing of stamping molding will be contaminated, if not processed after processing is over environmental protection testing.

Plastic bottom: Metal shoes buckle plastic bottom is non-toxic PP material, the material is more solid, good gloss, can pass environmental testing, can be equipped with a variety of colors, you can choose nylon material: can dye, stronger pull, better texture

Copper material: high-grade hardware buckle can use copper bottom and copper surface. Our company has copper over 8 grades, which is higher than the general H65 copper grade.

Aluminium: The bottom of the word buckle is made of iron, but our products can pass environmental protection tests, can be plated with rust-proof iron bottom, and can be used as a deduction.

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