Acupuncture non-woven

Acupuncture non-woven fabric: It is a kind of dry non-woven fabric. Acupuncture non-woven fabric uses the puncture effect of a needle to reinforce the fluffy web into a cloth.
Acupuncture non-woven fabric is made of polyester, polypropylene raw materials, after carding, combing, pre-acupuncture, the main acupuncture. The center adds a mesh ply sandwich, and then undergoes dual channeling, the air-laid acupuncture is compounded into a cloth, and the post-pressure filter cloth has a three-dimensional structure. After heat setting and singeing, the chemical oil agent is most treated on the surface to make the filter cloth. The appearance is smooth and the pores are evenly distributed. From the surface, the density of the product is good, the surfaces on both sides are smooth and air-permeable, and the use of the filter on the plate and frame compressor proves that high-strength pressure can be used and the filtration accuracy can be as low as 4 microns or less. Need to provide polypropylene and polyester two raw materials. Practice has proved that the non-woven filter cloth has better performance in pressure filtration of the plate and frame: Cases of coal slurry treatment in the coal preparation plant, steel plant wastewater treatment, wastewater treatment in the breweries and printing and dyeing plants. Filter cake pressure will occur when using other specifications of the filter cloth. If it is not dry and it is difficult to fall off, after using non-woven filter cloth, the filter cake will be quite dry when the filter pressure reaches 10kg-12kg, and the filter cake will fall off automatically when the filter is opened. When users choose non-woven filter cloth, they mainly consider different thickness and quality of non-woven filter cloth according to air permeability, filtration accuracy, elongation, etc. Please refer to polyester needle felt and polypropylene needle felt for product parameters. Can be formulated.

Doctor Uniforms

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