Colored gemstones - tourmaline


According to legend, whoever can find the foothold of the rainbow can find eternal happiness and wealth. Although the rainbow often has, it can never find its starting point. Until 1500, a Portuguese exploration team discovered a gem in Brazil, which was full of colorful lights. Like a rainbow from the sky to the center of the earth, the ordinary stone bathed under the rainbow has acquired the various colors contained in the world along the way, and the crystal clear and polished.

Not all stones are so lucky. The gemstones hidden in the rainbow's foot are called the tourmaline by later generations. They are also known as "the rainbow that falls into the world."

Tourmaline is a type of jewellery grade in the Tourmaline family. Tourmaline is a borosilicate crystal and can contain elements such as aluminum, iron, magnesium, sodium, lithium and potassium. It is because of these chemical elements that tourmaline can present a wide variety of colors.

In China, the word "Bixi" first appeared in the Qing Dynasty. It was one of the materials used by the top and second-class officials. It was also used to make the beads they wore. At the same time, the tourmaline is also the favorite of the Empress Dowager Cixi. Therefore, in the Empress Dowager Cixi era, the tourmaline received unprecedented attention in China. In addition to the unique taste of the emerald, the Empress Dowager Cixi, who is a politician, is also a fan of the colorful and varied beauty. Among the funeral objects of the Empress Dowager Cixi of the Qing Dynasty, there was a lotus flower made of tourmaline, weighing 36 and 8 yuan, and a pillow made of tourmaline, which was worth 750,000 two silver.

Among the hundreds of rare treasures in the Forbidden City Treasures Museum in Beijing, there is a huge pink tourmaline buckle called the best of the Qing Dynasty tourmaline. The buckle is made of pink and blue tourmaline on the silver wire. The tourmaline is transparent and volume. Large parts have cotton crepe. Yintuo tired silk double money pattern ring set, behind the silver tray engraved with small beads "Wan Shou Wujiang" "life Yongchang", next to the "Hongxing" "footprint" stamp, in the middle is a thin tired silk rope double " "Shou" and double "Fu", this tourmaline is 5.5cm long and 5.2cm wide. The tourmaline is transparent and pink is a treasure, which is more precious in the Qing Dynasty.

The composition of the tourmaline is complex and the color is complex and varied. The international jewellery industry basically divides the commercial variety according to the color of the tourmaline. The more the color, the higher the value.

Blue tourmaline

A general term for light blue to deep blue tourmalines. Blue tourmaline is now the most valuable color in the tourmaline because it is rare. Blue tourmaline is produced in the yellow clay of Russian Siberian weathered granite, also in Brazil, Madagascar and the United States.

Red tourmaline

A general term for pink to red tourmalines. Red is the best of the tourmaline with purple and rose red, and it is called the red tourmaline. In China, there is the name of “baby face”. However, the natural world produces more brown, maroon, and deep red, and the color tone changes greatly. At the same time, the proportion of tourmaline will vary with color; the proportion of deep red is greater than that of pink.

Brown tourmaline

Darker in color, rich in chemical element magnesium. Brown tourmalines are mostly produced in Sri Lanka, the three countries of North America, Brazil and Australia. (The English name for brown tourmaline originates from the Dreve region of Austria.)

Colorless tourmaline

Colorless tourmaline is very rare, with only a small amount of production in Madagascar and California. It should be noted that some colorless tourmalines in the market are made by heating and bleaching pink tourmaline. (The English name for colorless tourmaline is derived from the ancient Greek word "achroos", meaning colorless)

Green tourmaline

Green and yellow tourmalines are the most common of all tourmaline color variants, so the value is also inferior to blue and red tourmalines. Green tourmalines are prolific in Brazil, Tanzania and Namibia, while yellow is distributed in Sri Lanka.

Multicolor tourmaline

Because the tourmaline ribbon is very developed, red, green, two-color ribbons or three-color ribbons often appear on one crystal. Commonly known as red and green gems, commonly known as Watermelon Tourmaline, are popular with collectors and consumers alike.

Foreign tourmaline origin

Brazil is the best quality of the world's tourmaline. The origin of the Brazilian tourmaline is mainly concentrated in Minneapolis. The variety of the tourmaline produced here has reached more than twenty kinds of colors, almost including all the tourmalines. colour. Brazil's red tourmaline and green tourmaline are the best-selling minerals in Brazil and are prolific in the region's rich pegmatite veins. Brazil's Paraiba State produces a green-blue-blue tone tourmaline that is expensive and scarce, and the market is extremely hot, as it was named Paraiba Tourmaline by Paraiba State.

California is also one of the major producing areas of tourmaline. The veins mined in the United States have been weathered. A lot of feldspar has become muddy and there is no rock. Therefore, the mining method of the American tourmaline deposit is mainly excavated, which is easier to mine than other producing areas. .

Russia's Siberian region, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, and Myanmar also have tourmalines, but the texture is not as good as Brazil's tourmaline.

Chinese tourmaline origin

Xinjiang Altay origin

China's tourmaline origin is the Coco-to-Sea in Fuyun County, Altay Prefecture, Xinjiang. It is rich in gem-quality tourmalines. The color of tourmaline in Xinjiang is bright, red, green, blue, and multi-color tourmaline are produced. The crystals are larger and the quality is better.

Yunnan tourmaline origin

The tourmaline produced in Yunnan is mainly distributed in Fugong, Yuanyang, Gongshan, Baoshan and other places, most of which are transparent to translucent. Among them, pink, rose red, pink tourmaline is mainly produced in Fugong and Yuanyang; green tourmaline, green, green, dark green, yellow green, blue green, grass green, light green and other colors of tourmaline, good texture It is mainly produced in Gongshan, Fugong, Baoshan and other places; blue tourmaline is blue, green and blue, sea blue and other colors of tourmaline, mainly produced in Gongshan, Baoshan and other places; Yunnan Fugong and other places also have multicolor tourmaline production, However, the crystals generally have more cracks and poorer transparency.

The tourmaline produced in Inner Mongolia is mainly distributed in the places such as Ligete, the flag of Wulate, and the crystals are larger and the transparency is rare.

Maintenance of tourmaline jewelry

The first trick is to place the tourmaline jewelry separately in the jewelry box when you don't wear the tourmaline jewelry. Don't let the tourmaline jewelry and other jewelry rubbing and colliding with each other, causing unnecessary losses.

The second measure, the hardness of tourmaline is 7-8, relatively high, but the tourmaline itself is relatively brittle, afraid of falling and fragile. Unless it is pure, there is no ambiguous tourmaline, otherwise try not to wear tourmaline gems to do strenuous exercise or heavy work, so as not to cause the rupture of tourmaline gems.

The third measure, it is a good habit to regularly check and repair your own jewellery. Every month, go to a professional jewelry store to check your own tourmaline jewelry. If you find that the gems fall off and scratches, it will be solved in time.

The fourth measure, if the friends' tourmaline jewelry is in the form of borderless inlay and micro-inlay, avoid the impact in the process of wearing tourmaline jewelry, because the inlaid style of tourmaline jewelry is beautiful, but not very firm, be careful.

The fifth measure, do not wash with high temperature water for a long time, if it is too hot, the tourmaline will change color.

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