Six methods to identify jade

Jade identification is one of the essential skills of jade lovers. Today, Xiao Bian summed up the six jade identification methods to share with friends!


Seeing material is the primary premise of jade collection. Jade, jade, luster, density, splitting, staining, etc. are all elements of jade grade.

Distinguishing the shape is the aesthetic framework of jade, and it is also an important factor in determining the value of jade collection. Well-proportioned and not dull, balanced and stable is the beauty of the work.

The decoration of the decorative decoration depends on the structure, the rules, the complexity, the density, and so on. The structural rules are methodical and unified and harmonious.


Analysis of the workmanship is smooth and fluent, and the skilled workmanship must be beautiful or relatively beautiful; the board is sluggish, and the muddy water is the sign that the collection value is sharply reduced.

The art of artistic elegance and both form and spirit are the expressions of artistic beauty; those who are singular and singular and ancient are all works that violate the beauty of art.

The innovative antique jade contains two major art forms: innovation and antiques. From the perspective of artistic innovation, new jade articles are worthy of collection, but they should be treated with caution so as not to fall into the "new" misunderstanding.

Look, identify, identify, analyze, product, and view, that is, today's small series of jade tools to be introduced to friends to identify six methods, I hope to be helpful to friends, want to know more about jade related knowledge, please continue to pay attention China Jewelry Merchants Network jade brand .

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