[The waywardly, the only one who knows can appreciate its beauty.

Greener, more water, a little more transparent... Do you see jade like this? But there is a wonderful thing in the jade family. I don't care about this set. If you don't give it a beam of light, you can't see it. It is Mo Cui, and today you will see through this wayward beauty!

Mo Cui is an emerald. The ink is black, the green is green, the dark green is black, and the green is green. The main colors of jadeite are red dragonfly, green jade, spring jade, others are white and black, white is called colorless jade, and black is ink. The real ink is rare and precious.


Mo Cui is one of the jadeites. The main mineral of Mo Cui is omphacite, which contains a small amount of mineral components such as jadeite, sodium chromite, albite, and tremolite. Like other jadeites, the ink, its water, color and color are also good and bad. The crystal particles of Mo Cui are generally fine, and some of the crystal particles are thicker. The arrangement and combination of the crystals of the ink crystals are divided into good and bad, so there is a difference in density, which results in inconsistency in hardness and gloss. The thickness and density of the crystal grains determine the strength of the transparency of the ink, because the color of the ink is very deep. Therefore, the transmittance is generally poor, and it is translucent to opaque. The asbestos inside the ink green is generally grayish white or blue-white, and the shape and distribution of the asbestos are very irregular.


Do you understand the beauty of the ink?

1. Look at the color: observe by reflected light, the color is dark green or black

2, look at transparency and structure: the particles are arranged closely, the texture is good, the transparency is high

3, look at the distribution of color: black even, black shiny

4, see the composition: aluminum sodium silicate is the main component of the ink, can completely transmit light, ink jade can not completely transmit light.

5, the color is black and not ink, the feeling of gray tone has reached the requirements of the top ink.

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